July 11, 2015

Calculate Dates

Cal­cu­late dates is a tool for doing date cal­cu­la­tions with basic nat­ur­al lan­guage sup­port. First add in your start­ing date, and then either add or sub­tract time, or add a sec­ond date. We’ll do the rest, and give you a range of use­ful time for­mats. Cre­at­ed for fun, mod­i­fied for the 10k apart con­test. Designed and devel­oped by Sun­mock Yang and Rus­sell Baylis, our entry was award­ed an hon­ourable mention.

Using natural language processing, the calculator supports a number of options

  • Addi­tion and sub­trac­tion: + 400 years, + 6 months, + 5 days, = 5 weeks and two days
  • Var­ied date for­mats: 2015/12/30, 12/30/2015, Decem­ber 30th 2015, Dec. 30 2015
  • Nat­ur­al For­mats: Today, Tomorrow

What we did to squeeze our website into as few kibbles as possible:

  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript mini­fi­ca­tion
  • As much JavaScript encap­su­la­tion as pos­si­ble to get max­i­mum minification.
  • Min­i­mal class/variable names
  • Gzip­ping